
6月, 2023の投稿を表示しています

University Student Travel Survey Analysis

 University Student Travel Survey Analysis Research topic: Travel Target: Japanese University students Number of respondents: (15) (Summary)  A travel survey was conducted for students receiving EC through Google Forms . There w ere 1 0 questions i n t otal, b ut o ne of the q uestions w as not suitable , so the r esults o f 9 are l isted. T he r esults s how h ow s tudents feel  about  t ravel. Thank you for taking the survey . (Results) Graph 1 shows that all respondents like to travel. It is rare for people to say they do not like to travel, but, surprisingly, the result is 100% that they like it. The result may have been different if there was a "so-so" option. #1   Graph 2 shows the results of how much students like to travel . T he h igher the n umber, t he m ore they   l ike t o t ravel. I t c an b e s een t hat t wo- t hirds of t he p articipants a re v ery f ond o f t raveling. And  one - third of  them  like to travel. From the

University Student Travel Survey

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Ice Cream Survey

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My Invention

  Hazard map smartphone application Dr.Protect (Original Problem &  Idea / Solution) Shinece we live with nature, disasters oftem occor. Therefore, we need to know about the shelter, but it takes a lot of time to search using a hazard maps. Some people may think it troublesome. My Invention which I' ve namaed the " Dr. Protect" can solve people's problems by quickly searching for shelters through smartphone apps. (Specfics) 1. Download the app to your smartphone. 2.If you enter your height, weight, and health condition, the disaster prevention goods you need will be displayed, and you can order the necessary items online. 3.If you turn on your location settings, it will show you the nearest shelters, hills and safe builldings from your current location. 4. If you register your home or worlplace, the app will always show you the shelter. 5.When you escape from a disaster, the app will give voice gidance to the shelter. 6.There is a corner where you can see advice f