University Student Travel Survey Analysis

 University Student Travel Survey Analysis

Research topic: Travel

Target: Japanese University students

Number of respondents: (15)


A travel survey was conducted for students receiving EC through Google Forms. There were 10 questions in total, but one of the questions was not suitable, so the results of 9 are listed. The results show how students feel about travel. Thank you for taking the survey.


Graph 1 shows that all respondents like to travel. It is rare for people to say they do not like to travel, but, surprisingly, the result is 100% that they like it. The result may have been different if there was a "so-so" option.



Graph 2 shows the results of how much students like to travel. The higher the number, the more they like to travel. It can be seen that two-thirds of the participants are very fond of traveling. And one-third of them like to travel. From these respondents, travel is very popular among students.


Graph 3 shows that the most favorite things for students to travel are food, followed by sightseeing and hot springs. This survey was answered by Japanese students, so it was surprising that hot springs were not the most popular. There is a high possibility that those that have a healing effect are popular.


Graph 4 shows that 66.7% of students have traveled more than 10 times before. If you look at the results of graphs 1 and 2, this is not so surprising, because many people like to travel very much. Also, 100% of the students in Graph 1 say they like to travel, so it is inferred that there are no students who have never traveled.


From the results of 5, it can be seen that students tend to go on Saturdays and Sundays because 12/27, 3/23, 3/27, 5/10, 5/13, and 5/28 are weekdays and the other 8 days are holidays. Since there is a school on weekdays, it is considered that it is easier to travel on holidays.


From the results of 6, it can be seen that students prefer to travel to warmer regions such as Okinawa and Hawaii. In addition, most students travel domestically because most of the results are written about points within the country.


From the results of 7, there are many descriptions of landscapes, and students seem to think that places full of beautiful nature are suitable places for travel. In addition, since there is a description of the food, as shown in the results of Graph 3, it is inferred that a place with good food is a good travel destination because students are looking forward to eating on their trip.


The chart of 8s shows that most students are interested in traveling abroad. Especially countries with delicious food and famous buildings, such as the United States, France, South Korea, and Canada, are popular.


Graph 9 shows that going on a summer trip with friends is the most popular. Winter was popular when going with family, and spring was when going alone and with pets. It's amazing how popular seasons change depending on who goes. Also, overall students tend to prefer to go on trips in the spring. Pleasant spring weather may be affecting.



From the results of the questionnaire, it was found that many students like to travel. This result can be helpful when travel agencies make suggestions to students because it shows what students value in travel.


  1. that is wonderful survey!! i hope it work for copany.

  2. A lot of people want to go to America or Europe countries.

  3. Good survey analysis. Easy to read and understand!




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