I want to visit Venezia in Italia

I want to visit Venezia in Italy

Links for Venezia:

VENEZIA.NET Tourist Information
Venezia-Wikipedia About Venegia (History, Population, and so on)

Good YouTube Video ① (English):

Good YouTube video ② (Japanese):

5 things That I would like to do in Venezia!!

1. I want to ride a gondola and enjoy the beautiful views of Venezia.
2. I want to enjoy dining on the Riviera waterfront.
3. I want to listen to music in a symphony Orchestra!!
4. I want to touch the Bocche dei Leoni (stone mailbox)
5. I want to go shopping at the Rialto Bridge.

Here's a Google map of Venezia:

Thank you for reading my blog.
If you have a chance, visiting Venezia might be a good experience!!!




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